Synergy.Network is preparing your experience...

Organize Online Hub for Your

Franchisee and Partners

 In today's rapidly changing digital marketplace,

 it is imperative to stay ahead of the curve.

 For most of us, that means culling the best ideas

 and implementing best practices from every

 source possible.

The Power of Networking

Networking within the online franchise community provides 
both you with a tremendous opportunity to gain insight to industry best practices firsthand from executives who have "been there and done that". 

Enable real-time communication through push notifications, chats, streams, inmail, and video conferencing to reach all residents, partners, vendors, customers as needed, and as they prefer.


  Present a range of your products, goods

  and services to the network audience via

  own marketplace in branded mobile app 


Gamification is an outstanding method

of increasing sales performance 


of people say that they would be more
productive on gamified environments

Talent LMS

 Loyalty Program

  Find your own way to engage
  community members! 

  According to Forbes, Loyalty programs 
  increase customer lifetime value by 30%


Get new insights, partners employees whoever
you may need. They're just around you on
special events.
Event app could help you to find prospects,
appoint meeting and continue communication
online after event.

Let's share ideas that could be used for

your franchise network!